Cordovan or Wide Brimmed Hat

Cordovan or Wide Brimmed Hat
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The Cordoban hat , also known as the wide-brimmed or campero hat , is a traditional hat from Andalusia . It is originally from the city of Córdoba and is known as the cañero hat in honor of the legendary rejoneador Antonio Cañero .
This hat is characterized by having a wide, flat brim with a cylindrical crown . The last can vary from 10 to 12 cm , while the brim can be between 8 and 12 centimeters .
The variety of designs and materials is wide , and it could be said that there is a flamenco hat for every type of party . There are different options, such as wool , rabbit hair , dralón , felt and the same toquilla straw with which the famous Panama hats .
The classic color is black, but currently they can be found in a wide variety of colors such as gray, pearl, brown, beige, etc.
The Cordovan hat is a very representative element of flamenco fashion combined with the Cordoban costume , both for aesthetic reasons and for the practical need to protect yourself from the intense sun that accompanies most of the traditional festivals in Andalusia , such as fairs. and the pilgrimages . It is also a very common complement flamenco dance performances .
It is used in short suits for men , horseman suits for women and children .